Quantum Satis, Masterly gin
This highly unusual gin is the creation of two retail-pharmacists working in partnership with the renowned De Moor Distillery in Aalst. The expertise of the pharmacists, technicians and mixers and the long experience of the distillery have combined to produce a very special gin.
The packaging and name of the gin refer both to the pharmacist’s role as a technician and as an advisor. The name means, “use as much of this ingredient as necessary to achieve the desired result and no more.”
Even the bottle design is based on an antique pharmacist’s vial from the 1800s.
This gin is produced according to traditional methods and distilled from 14 carefully selected plant varieties. The juniper berry is of course among them, as well as coriander seed, angelica, cinnamon, liquorice, Melegueta pepper, cubeb pepper, and damiana, which was once prescribed for use as an aphrodisiac.
Those who enjoy lively flavours are bound to appreciate this gin.
Quantum Satis contains 46° alcohol and retails at 35€ for 500ml.